2 december 2013

Home Made Sint Nicolas presents for my nieces!

Because I didn't have a lot of money to buy Sint Nicolas* presents, I decided to make some myself. Don't you love the way these stuffed creatures turned out?

Sinterklaas is the name of a character and a holiday named for Saint Nicholas, a real-life Catholic bishop who was known for his kindness to children. Like Santa Claus, the modern-day Sinterklaas has become a non-sectarian figure who is beloved by all children. Both characters wear red and reward children with presents for being 'nice'. (source: Lana Red Studio) 

And this one was named 
'Poessie-Poessie' by my niece Nomi. She said: 
"It is gonna be my favorite one!" 

Nomi and Nine with their new friends.

You can hear Niki 'screaming' about Snoesie-poessie in the background ;)

My little niece Niki with hers.

I also scrapped the birth card of Niki for her mother and father
(they are my sister-in-law Natascha and her boyfriend Erik).

This was a bigger success than buying presents in the store and spending a lot of money. Mission accomplished! 

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